I’m Jaimie, with two “i”s. That is not a pun, but don’t get used to that being the norm.

Nice to meet you.



  • One Decade Later…

    I’ve finished the first draft of a work of children’s literature, entitled The Delta Door. I might keep a few skeletal pieces, but most of the body is going to be, shall we say, transmogrified. Honestly, I was okay with the text until I did a Narnia re-read, and remembered just how lovely and poignant…

  • Secondary Color – A work-in-progress

    Okay! I finally got so tired of not posting anything, I decided I’m going to post EVERYTHING. Well, maybe not everything, but I’ll at least give you part of a short story I’ve written. Maybe you can help me get some traction on it. Read and enjoy, and let me know what you liked, disliked, etc.…

  • Shaking, pt. 4

    It was Ileniel’s birthday, and despite the persnickity scholar’s wishes, both Namiss and Antian had insisted on trying to prepare a grand meal for him. Namiss because she was Namiss, and she did such things, and Antian because against all odds, he and Ileniel had become something like friends in the preceding month. When Lorin…