a defensible argument
favorite pen: Pilot Juice up 04 in black (0.4 mm)

favorite pen: Pilot Juice up 04 in black (0.4 mm)
'In this phial,' she said, 'is caught the light of Eärendil's star...It will shine still brighter when night is about you. May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out. Galadriel, from The Lord of the Rings
Grief and grief and grief are strikes between which breath is impossible – leaving first, a reeling mind half-alive and second, dark, strange bruises. The colours of these marks clear, but move just so, and the pain underneath reminds the body where it yet lives – Wherefore, we plead peace with passing
Stay thee, man arrayed in armor fair; By thy honor, ‘fore thou go This, my precious standard, bear: This, my passion and my woe. Pray thee, lover, soldier, friend; By our bond ‘neath the Divine Take my hand, and to it bend To kiss; e’en so, my mouth is
I finally ditched iMovie for Filmmaker Pro (which has treated me very well, so far). Hasta la vista, babehhhh This means a few things, namely that 1. I will maintain a higher level of daily sanity, and 2. I really, truly need to update my acting/performance reel. Again. This