To avoid beating a dead horse...because that's just gross...

Well, I got another two agent rejections, but they were form and boring, so from here on out I'm only going to post the interesting/potentially beneficial ones. I will say, for the sake of your general awareness of which agents I'm soliciting, that they were from Shana Cohen of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc., and Jodi Reamer of Writers House, LLC.

Due to various events and life getting in the way, I've missed my last few writing days and am therefore still in the midst of writing the concluding battle scene of "Bloodlines."

That's all for now, though I should mention that a writer acquaintance commended the essay "Tradition and the Individual Talent," by TS Eliot, to me. Sounds good, and after I read it, perhaps I'll post my impression or some takeaway here.